
平手風波the final cut of ifsc climbing worldcup 2011....How could the World Cup be improved?


由於boulder這一站缺席,kim jain的積分第一就被mina markovic趕上。接著的賽事kim jain 在amman站拿第三,valence站失常拿第八,然後再kranj又拿回冠軍。在最後一站前的積分還差mina四十分。在單站積分80 60 40 20 .....的制度下,kim jain必需拿第一而mina 需要第三才能拿下年度冠軍。


kim jain 應該很失望,再11/28/2011的 FB 很制式地:I think final route was too easy for us. But I'm so happy for complete all routes and finished well this season :)Thanks to everyone for cheering me for my climbing!!!

mina markovic對年度冠軍的榮耀蒙灰也有話要說:(見

How could the World Cup be improved?

Hmmm, about WC format ... For sure, I think they need to take the rule of super finals back or at least the routes should be set harder and more dynamic, like I think the year before was done. It seems that the trend is moving to more dynamic, powerful, technical and also interesting-to-watch lead climbing competitions. But I don't know what happened the last year as the longer routes with more/all 'happening' to last few moves returned. OK, I admit, that routes like this are very 'safe' and pleasurable to climb but on the other hand ending the final route with more quite fresh competitors is not what we are looking for. OK, it is acceptable that maybe at the beginning of year they didn't know the level of climbing, but later... SUMMARY: I don't know... but as I said in the beginning - super final or more 'intensive' routes.

2012規則有改嗎? 好像沒有。



kim jain在2012世界杯抱石賽首站前表示:腕部傷勢未完全痊癒....結果在重慶這一站拿到第三。



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