Angy 你好:
Hello, Angy,
Q:我很好奇在你在women lead world championship arco 2011的決賽,關鍵處on-sight 的堅持是什麼?那個難關前好休息嗎?
Q: We are curious about your performance at the Women Lead World Championship, Arco, 2011. What made you persist at the crux? Did you find any proper spot for taking a rest before reaching the crux?
A: Before I started to climb I didn't realise that there was such a difficult jump in the women's final route. As I don't like to jump I focused on an alternate solution and it obviously worked.
Q:你在FB上好像有提到 the austrian lead nationals at 6/18你並沒有參賽而是擔仼裁判?是因為傷勢還未復原嗎?
Q: You mentioned you were the judge at the Austrian Lead Nationals on June 18th, rather than joining the game. Did the injury still bother you?
A:At the moment my arm feels luckily better, but problems occur when I increase the intensity of climbing. Therefore, I have to listen to my body
and take enough resting periods. It effected me mentally, but its ok,because athletes usually suffer from such troubles.
Q:復原的狀況如何?做了哪些比賽準備?我們很期待你在CALI的表現,猶如你在2011 2012 world champion的表現。
Q: How is your recuperation going? What have you prepared for the following games? We look much forward to your performance in Cali, as what you had done at the World Championships in 2011 and 2012.
A: I have been fighting against this pain in my ellbow since January this year and wasn't able to climb any more in April. Regular Therapy and a short climbing break helped me recover. During the last three weeks I was preparing hard in the gym. Nevertheless, there is still lack in my power and endurance training of course. By the way, many thanks for your support, I can need it :-)!
Q: 你在今年度的the austrian lead nationals有無近距離觀察今年的冠軍 Magdalena RÖCK?放眼世界杯你比較看好哪些新世代的女子選手可以脫穎而出?
Q: Had you paid close observation to the women champion this year, Magdalena RÖCK, in the Austrian Lead Nationals? To which athletes you cast much expectation in the World Cup, especially the ones in the new generation.
A:It is quite obvious that some athletes of the new generation have a great potential. My teammate Magdalena Röck is one of them. I expect much of her this year.
Q:您在2005 2006年的世界杯年度積分無寧形成了一道紀錄障礙,您評估未來還有女子選手可以超越這個紀錄嗎?
Q: It seems that your annual scores in 2005 and 2006 have become an insurmountable records. Do you think anyone can break it in the future?
A: Well, the climbers have to fight hard to beat my records :-). Sorry, I am joking :-)!
Yeah, the years 2005 and 2006 entail unforgettable achievements in my climbing carreer, but I don't think that it is unbeatable. By the way some athletes had already won some victories in a row and some are still winning. I suppose we can look forward to further great achievements in the future as well.
Q: Do you think there is still space to push the climbing difficulty limits forward, or we are close to a stagnant stage?
A:In fact the climbing level has increased the past years. It is quite likely that
the increase of the climbing level is linked to the age a child starts to climb. Compared to earlier times the more and more kids start to climb at a young age and push the limit. Although the climbing facilities have improved compared to earlier times, the new generation isn't yet equipped with the best training possibilities and kowledge. I think there is still potential in this area.
Due to the increase in climbing limit, it is essential to take more care for the general health of these young athletes to prevent them get incurable damage
on their body.
Q: What's you plan in the future, especially the part without climbing?
A: In the near future I stop competing, but I aim to increase my activities on rock climbing. Besides that, I want to pass on my experiences to young climbers
by coaching them. ... the part without climbing, well, at the moment I have no family plans :)
Wish you have outstanding performance in the games, and thank you for taking our interview.